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Hi and welcome....this blog contains my works, thoughts and interests..which perhaps reflect me(or my narcissism) ....thats why I call it The Mirror Story. But I am no artist, or writer or graphics designer or anything..I just do things cause I like to and for my people..just my way of saying that someone is special.

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Monday, August 6, 2007

I look away!

poem on my own photo...


Dido-seriously said...

Well Captured eyes.
Tough i would go for a twinkle in the eyes.

rchandra said...

Thanks...twinkling in eyes.. happiness or the thin film of tears that refuse to well...It wasnt either...no wonder its not there! I tried reading ur profile... "me alphabetically..."? didnt get it...meaning ur music are words?

Dido-seriously said...

Its quote from "LOVE STORY" which begins like What can you say about a twenty-five-year-old girl who
That she was beautiful. And brilliant. That she loved
Mozart and Bach. And the Beatles. And me. Once, when she
specifically lumped me with those musical types, I asked her
what the order was, and she replied, smiling, 'Alphabetical.'
At the time I smiled too. But now I sit and wonder whether
she was listing me by my first name - in which case I would
trail Mozart - or by my last name, in which case I would edge
in there between Bach and the Beatles. Either way I don't
come first, which for some stupid reason bothers hell out of
me, having grown up with the notion that I always had to be
number one. Family heritage, don't you know?"
For the obvious reason that I read that book some 1000+ times..

rchandra said...

oops, bad guess ...sorry, I didnt read the book, sounds interesting.. Erich Segal and all praises for it are what i find in wiki and google...will read it..thank you.

Unknown said...

A beautiful and sensitive idea wrapped up in tender words
great work